
Harlow is kinda naughty. We locked him in the bathroom while we were at work Friday with his new comfy bed, food and water and lots of toys to entertain himself. I even debated bringing one of the toys with me on my commute, licking peanut butter out of a rubber duck seems like a great way to pass time if you ask me. But I figured Harlow probably needed it more than I did. We put the trash on the counter and tucked the shower curtain in the tub, there wasn't too much harm he could get into. Chris came home at lunch and said Har was sleeping like the angel he is. I, however, found a different situation at 3:00. Upon opening the door I saw the new bed pushed behind the toilet, both food and water bowls on their back side with puddles of water and food scattered everywhere. The "fancy" towels that are just meant for hanging on the rack and not actual use appeared to be a better option than the bed as Harlow had pulled them onto the ground in a giant heap and was sleeping dreamily on them with the plunger in his mouth. Would cleaning out his mouth with soap be too harsh of a punishment? Would it cause him to go blind like it did Ralphy? Who was I kidding though I knew he couldn't be punished for getting a little bored. And its kinda sweet that he felt at home enough on his first day to make himself completely comfortable. Sleeping in a pile of towels was his previous life, I have to remember that. His upbringings are quite different from what I'm used to, I am going to have to keep this in mind whenever he forgets to shut a door or something and I might accidentally say, "Come on Harlow, what were you raised in a barn?" ... Might hit a little too close to home I bet. But otherwise he has been a gem of a dog. Besides the fact he pees about 75 times a day. He'll go pee twice outside and the second he comes in he'll have to go again. His bladder is like mine on a game day, it's ridiculous.

Remember how I said Chris and I live in a Brady Bunch like neighborhood? I mean if the Brady Bunch lived in a multi cultural apartment complex. Well today poor little Har had the unfortunate event of having to meet all of the neighborhood kids, it was awful. First it started off with just two little girls petting him. But then they called their brothers who called their cousins who called their classmates who called their drug dealers. Before we knew it, Har and I were surrounded by over ten children on our step. I don't know who was more uncomfortable, me or Harlow. I told them he was a Vizsla, although I don't know why I even bothered because they were all certain he was either a Pit Bull or a Boxer. They were all pretty sad when I finally took "Carlos" inside but I told them he would be back out, at which point they asked if I could bring more toys outside with me the next time. For Harlow or for the kids I wonder? I bet they'd love the peanut butter toy.

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