Proud to be an American- Where the Vets can eat for free.

Amurica sure knows how to treat people right. If I could trade spots with anyone today it would be a veteran, without a doubt. The perks they're getting on this special day make anything they went through completely worth it ten times over. If given another chance would I serve in the military knowing it would get me a free blooming onion from Outback today? Definitely. Not to mention a free Like It size serving from Coldstone. Free pancakes from IHOP. Free spin dip from Applebees. And the list goes on and on. There are so many reasons to sign up for the army today it's not even funny. Actually, I wonder if people who sign up on this very day are still applicable to receive all of the goodies? Regardless, I sure hope today proves to all of the soldiers out there how much America really loves them, Coldstone however, apparently only likes the soldiers. I think that's a little rude because clearly we Gotta Have the soldiers but whatever, to each their own. I just hope Lady GaGa writes a song about today. That would be really nice. And not just for the gay soldiers, either. Sometimes I think she shows just a little too much favoritism to only the homosexual soldiers. She needs to get better at sharing her attention fairly amongst everyone. Especially since it seems many of the gay soldiers don't want that much attention on them anyway, I mean that's what I've heard. Don't ask don't tell, right? They obviously want to remain a little discreet. So why is Gaga trying to out all of them? She better be careful or else soon everyone will know who is gay in the military and where is the fun in that.

Speaking of fun... I've had little of it lately thanks to the little devil named Harlow. I still like, I mean love Harlow. He's just a little more work and a little less cute than I was hoping for. I have to constantly watch him and chase him around the house to make sure he doesn't pee. And when he does pee, which is every five minutes, I have to sneakily clean it up without him seeing. The dog training book says you should never clean up your dog's accident in front of him because that will let him think that you are his mother and always willing to clean up after him. But now that I think about that it doesn't make any sense because I find it hard to believe Harlow's doggy mom from the farm would follow him around constantly cleaning up his pee. The only time I can shower is when/if Harlow happens to fall asleep for a few minutes. It's incredibly tiring. And where is Chris you might ask. "Work." He goes to his plush, quiet office everyday where coffee flows like water and his secretary keeps the candy dishes full. I can see why people have babies before dogs, they'd be much easier to take care of. Babies wear diapers. They don't bark or bite. And you can put them in a kennel and they won't try to get out like dogs do. I should have adopted a baby from a Topekan farm rather than a puppy, I think it would have been a lot easier on me. Live and learn.

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