The Christmas That Was

Is blogland still running this week? I kind of hope not. I'm just popping in for a second because I'm trying to put my life back together today and get back to feeling like a human being- at least for a few minutes.

Just a few hours after I snapped this photo on Monday evening I was hit with one of the worst flu bugs I've felt since 2009 when I had H1N1.

*sidenote: doesn't Chris's hair look like someone drew it on with an Etch-a-Sketch? It's actually a beanie. But I like to pretend it's fuzzy Etch-a-Sketch hair. 

I always joke that I wouldn't mind getting the flu because it would be an easy way to drop five pounds and kickstart a diet, that is until I actually get the flu. From 8 p.m. on Monday night until roughly 8 a.m. on Tuesday morning I was in such agony I can't even begin to describe it (and you don't want me to.) There was a point when I was lying on the bathroom floor around 3 a.m. with sweat dripping from my face while still shivering from head to toe in which I literally thought I was dying. So if you're one of the many people who has been struck by the flu in these past few weeks just know that I feel for you, I feel for you so hard.

I was finally able to start drinking Gatorade around 4 p.m. on Tuesday and thought I had turned a corner. I attempted to shower and get ready for everyone to come to our house for the Christmas Eve party my parents host every year, but I was wrong. I lasted about three hours downstairs before I went back up to my room to "lay down for a minute or two." The next thing I knew I woke up and it was 8:00 a.m. on Christmas morning. I had slept through my favorite night of the year. Talk about a ten-year-olds worst nightmare.

I haven't exactly nailed the holidays this year. If you remember I was also sick on Thanksgiving. But I swear I'm not a sickly person, 2013 just wanted to go out with a bang I suppose. I feel like your health is one of those things you don't really appreciate until it's taken away from you for a day or two. But since I'm almost back to 100% today, I appreciate it fully.

These are the few photos I managed to snap over the few days. This was my "big Christmas meal" yesterday- a cup of Miso soup.

Pretty little Lola on Christmas Eve, she's luckily one of the few who wasn't taken out by the flu.

Harlow singing Christmas carols. Have you played doggy jingle bells before? If you haven't, you should.

And that's all I've got today. Hope you had a wonderful flu-free Christmas! Cheers to a new year just around the corner!

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