Why We Work

Well friends, as of November 3rd this guy and I have officially been dating for six years...

We've celebrated this little dating anniversary of ours all over the Midwest depending on where we living at the time- anywhere from Nebraska to Kansas to Missouri and finally Illinois. Our next stop will be New York... Just kidding, but I wouldn't hate it.

Because I had an extra hour in the day thanks to daylight savings, I spent a little time reading some blog posts from anniversaries of the past. That's the fun thing about blogging, I can constantly track past-me in order to keep future-me on task. Anyway, way back in 2010 we celebrated in Topeka, Kansas and I may have sensed a bit of bitterness in my tone when talking about dinner reservations at either Red Lobster or Olive Garden... And then I got all mushy and wrote a really sappy post for our "4.5 year anniversary" and it still makes me blush, I don't know what got into me this day.

Finally last year on 11.3.2012 I just made a timeline of all the states/countries we've lived (and haven't lived) in together until we finally decided to buckle down and plant our feet in Chicago.  So while I'd love to have a cute little "our love story" or "the story of us" page at the top of my blog like all of the cute bloggers do, if you've read any of those posts above you know our story is pretty simple. We met at a frat party, had our first date at a mexican restaurant that served minors, and the rest is history.

I think instead what I should have is a "why we work" page. And it would go something like this:
Because we both appreciate the beauty of a lazy Sunday... and on those lazy Sundays we take turns walking to the 7/11 on the corner to buy each other our favorite snacks- Cool Ranch Doritos for me, a Slim Jim and an Arnold Palmer for him. And we both like the snooze button. And we like the silent noise of a fan when we sleep. And we're okay with (occasionally) letting a dog run our life. And we get a stupid amount of joy out of seeing that silly dog run like a wild man at a dog park. And we both like ordering in Pho from our favorite Vietnamese restaurant on a chilly night. And we like to go out, but also love to stay in. And we laugh together. We laugh a lot. And we cook together. And put way too much salt on everything. And we tell each other when we look cute. And we both like beards. And skinny jeans. And neither of us can stand fake nacho cheese on our nachos, give us shredded cheese or nothing at all please. And we both want to be Anthony Bourdain. And we wait for each other to watch important shows like Homeland, Shark Tank, or 60 Minutes. And he watches SNL with me even though I know he sometimes doesn't think it's funny. And we like gummy bears in our ice cream. And he doesn't get mad when I steal his socks. And I don't care when he uses my hairspray (that was only when he was rocking the hipster 'do in the summer.) And he never drinks the last of the milk because he knows I'll want it for cereal the next morning. And I'll never eat the last string cheese because I know he likes to eat one every day after work. And because we're both dreamers. He won't admit it as much as me, but I can just tell. And because we both just really like to be around each other. It didn't take us long to realize it's just better that way.

I'm going to end this by showing a photo that was taken exactly six years ago, the night before Chris "officially" asked me to be his girlfriend. It was taken at a little slice of heaven on earth known as the Hawk in Lawrence, Kansas. I have a feeling we weren't the first relationship that got started there.

Cheers to more November 3rds in the future.

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