Second City Social Club

So last night was kind of my first official "blogger get-together." I technically went to a "blogger blitz" back in the summer of 2012, but it's obviously taken me over a year to work up the courage to go to another.

I don't know what the social meet-ups are like in your area, but these Chicago bloggers don't mess around. I was blown away with their presentation of the entire evening. We drank wonderful wine, ate food which was made by amazing chefs from around the city, and just had an all around good time. So kudos to you Kit, and everyone else involved, for putting on such a great evening!

I rushed from my class at Second City to make the event on time, and when I walked into the building this is what I found. I kind of took a step back and went holy shit. And then I immediately felt under-dressed, under-pretty, and under-bloggerworthy. Jk, but not really. I mean I had just walked about ten blocks in 35 degree weather. How would you feel? Luckily everyone there was incredibly nice and welcoming.

I immediately rushed to the bathroom to make sure my nose wasn't running or something gross from the cold weather. Oh yeah, and did I mention I still have stitches in my bottom teeth from my surgery last week? They're kind of hard to notice, but when you see them it looks like I either have ton of spinach stuck in my teeth, or a terrible dark cavity. You decide. So yes, I might be a little self conscious when it comes to my mouth right now. Thus I proceeded to talk the rest of the evening like I was Bobby Boucher attempting to stick my bottom lip out, hoping it would cover the black stitches in my mouth. But in reality I think it just looked like I had a dip in my mouth the whole night. I'll show you a pic later of what I'm talking about...

As you can see the menu was pretty impressive for the night. And the food certainly did not disappoint. I felt like such a poser, I would only remember to snap photographs of things (like the menu) when I noticed the other bloggers were. They all had their big fancy cameras, so of course I felt cool for bringing mine along. I felt cool right up until the moment I realized I was taking photos with the lens cap on...

The wine tasting portion of the night was great as well and I learned quite a bit. Like for instance I learned you never want to be the first to finish your wine because while everyone else is swirling their wine and sticking their nose in their glass you just look like an ass.

Because I had just come straight from class, I'll admit I was pretty hungry when it came time for dinner.

I feel like it's always a bit awkward loading up your plate with food around people you've only just met- especially around a bunch of foodies who know their shit. I wasn't sure what went with what exactly, or if I was doing something right or wrong, so I basically said screw it and just dug right in. And it was all so delicious!

Here I am with Blair of The Fox & She  and Kit of The Kittchen, both really awesome girls with great blogs. And that middle guy there? That would be Bobby Boucher. That's not what my smile normally looks like, right? RIGHT?! I'm know I'm being over sensitive, but I swear I still look all swollen and weird.

All in all, it was a great evening. It's fun to meet so many new people who share common interests in good food, good wine, and good ol' blogging. I think I'm going to like being a part of this new social club. I just hope the next get-together doesn't involve hazing or anything. Who am I kidding? I love being hazed.

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