When I Was Little

I love Throwback Thursdays on Instagram.
I could look at awkward baby photos all day long.
So today's post is inspired by those photos.
It's called When I Was Little....
(And this also gives me a good excuse to use a bunch of photos of baby-me
that I happen to think are pretty funny.)

When I was little
I was super stubborn (according to my mom.) She claims I started dressing myself as soon as I figured out how to work my hands and wouldn't take no for an answer.
This really screwed me over when I was three and tried to leave the house in my mom's high heels and fell hard down the stairs and hit my bottom tooth so bad on a step I "killed" my roots for good.
I basically curb stomped myself.
To this day I have a false tooth (that has required numerous painful root canals)
 because of that little incident.
Not to mention it's also super hard to go on an easter egg hunt in heels seven sizes too big,
Easter Egg Hunt 1989- one of the funniest home videos we have of me trompsing around the yard looking like a drunk hooker in shoes that don't fit.

When I was little
I once paid my brother $10 to remove an old sea shell from my room I had brought home from a vacation because I was told "old seashells attract spiders."
$10 to an eight year old might as well be a million.
Did I mention who told me this little known fact? Yea, my brother.
I should also note that in almost every photo I've found of Jordan from childhood he is holding some sort of toy gun. It would appear in the photo above
he's even stepped up his game and has a grenade of some sort.
No wonder SuperWoman looks scared to death, GI Jordan is about to blow her away.
Here's another fun fact about my brother: his first hobby was collecting knives. I think he had roughly 300 by the time he was ten. One of which was an actual machete.
Good job, parents.

I know I've used this photo before but I thought it seemed fitting,
Jordan's holding a toy machine gun.

When I was little
I once pierced a fish hook through my bottom lip while on vacation in Minnesota.
I thought it was a gummy worm, so of course I tried to eat it.
In doing so I clipped a rusty hook right through my lip.
I like to imagine what it must have looked like to see a little girl running around in a panic
with a worm dangling from her mouth.
I'm starting to realize I was pretty accident prone.

When I was little
I was scared to death of tornados.
Anytime the sirens would go off I would grab all of my Beanie Babies and Polly Pockets
and run to the basement and pray under a blanket.
I was so pissed nobody else in my family seemed to care as much as I did, mostly because
that often left me in the basement all alone- another thing that terrified me.
The entire situation was pretty much a double edged sword.
April-June were always a pretty stressful time for me.

When I was little
I had the same appetite for life I have now.
It was probably even more intense then.
For Christmas one year, someone gave my dad a ten pound box of Gardettos.
I'm not even exaggerating this really happened,
I have no idea where one even finds Gardettos in such a quantity but it's possible.
So I would bring Wal Mart sized bags of it to school and just munch all day long on that stuff.
It was the best winter of my life.

That was fun. I like walking down memory lane every once in awhile.
What are your favorite When I Was Little moments?

Follow all of my little pics on Instagram @taylorgracewolfe if it suits your fancy.

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