The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever

Today is a big day.
I'm getting my hair cut and colored, and I don't do this often for two reasons:
1. I HATE sitting still/making small talk for two hours.
Like I really really hate it.
2. I am cheap.
And I just can't wrap my head around why it costs so damn much
to trim my hair an inch and lighten my roots.
However, I've gotten to that breaking point where I don't have a choice.
I've been getting mistaken for Joe Dirt too often and I'm planning on wearing a denim shirt tonight,
so I know it's time.

That being said, let's get into it.
Time for another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.

First thing on my list having a great week is
the word Bracket.

Think about it, what other time during the year do you hear this word just tossed out in
every. single. conversation?
Bracket. Bracket. Bracket. It's everywhere.
I haven't heard this word so much since my orthodontist appointments circa 1998-2001.

Rightfully so, the next on my list having a stellar week are
girls who like to pretend they like sports.

It's never been so easy to pretend you are the ultimate guys gal as it is this week.
Just follow these steps:
Fill out bracket.
Then let EVERYONE know you filled out bracket.
Boom. You're done. Now go to a sports bar in your low cut NBA jersey and jeweled jeans
and you will find Mr. Right.

Speaking of Mr. Right,
Ryan Reynolds's week just got a helluva lot better.

Why you ask? Because Ryan Gossling just announced he's "taking a break" from acting.
(Who can blame him? Reciting lines all day can be incredibly exhausting, I'm sure.)
So Ryan #2, you're up!
Personally, I've always liked Ryan Reynolds better anyway.
We've all forgotten about the Van Wilder thing by now, right? Good.

And up next we've got
Creepy Guys.

It's finally become painfully clear (pun intended) why guys like Lululemon pants so much.
Because they're see through.
So see through in fact, Lulu's actually had a recall on several lines on their yoga pants.
People are shocked and outraged and to this I say,
uh duh.
I own Lulu pants, and I know that when I wear them I better be damn careful who walks behind me.

They're called YOGA pants, doesn't that basically mean see through?
What's the big shocker here, people?
You want to talk about see through? Go to a yoga class and say standing up while everyone else does downward dog (the position you see above.)
Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase.
Hey, it could be worse...
You're welcome.

Speaking of skanky, you know who else is having a great week?
Every parent who didn't let their child go on Spring Break.

What do Disney stars do when they get too old for Wizards of Waverly Place?
They make an awful movie about Spring Break called Spring Breakers that will scare the crap out of every mom that let their daughters grow up idolizing these girls.
From what I've heard, this movie tries way too hard to be "gritty and raw" while glossing over the lower parts with neon bikinis and drunken college girls.
Oh wait, no that was actually just a description of Vanessa Hudgens, my bad.
I can't wait to see it.
SPRING BREAK 2007 Throwback!!!
and the trip back home....
haha oh college.

Anyway, there can only be one person having the best week ever.
And it's the owner of
this house.

Creator of Planting Peace, Aaron Jackson, purchased this house that sits right across from Westboro
and has painted it the symbolic colors of the Gay Freedom Flag.
I love this story so much.
I've mentioned before how I used to live by the Westboro Baptist Church back when I had a six month stint living in Topeka, Kansas.
This is what the church looks like, I used to walk by it everyday with Harlow.

I'd literally just circle the house everyday waiting for my chance to protest the protesters.
So to hear that their new neighbors are gay pride activists makes me incredibly happy.
 Also makes me regret the fact I never thought to do this.

Honorable mention this week goes to
Beyonce's New Song.
What people are saying about it:
"Hands down, the best song I have ever heard." -Chris Brown.

Well guys, this has been another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.
I'm off to get my hair did. Wish me luck.
And don't forget to register below if you're in the mood to be $1000 richer next week.


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