A Lot On My Plate- kinda.

If I seem a bit preoccupied as of late, I apologize.
There's just a lot going on this week.
And for someone who doesn't usually leave their house during the weekday,
or have social interaction with anyone who has less than four legs,
I've found myself quite busy.
As I mentioned before my mom is in town, but what I didn't mention is that my boss,
(for that one job I kinda try to pretend I have but it's still a weird situation too hard to explain-
as are most my illegitimate jobs usually)
flew in from Dallas and has been "training" me for the past few days.
It's going okay I guess, I'm just really struggling with the whole "sit" and "stay" part.
But I can balance a treat on my nose like it's nobodies business.

The real icing on the cake this week is the fact that in just two days I will be taking the stage
at The Second City for the very first time.
These are the hooligans I will be yes and'ing with.
AKA improvising.

We are formally known as "My Friend, Matt"
and informally known as the "Diet Cobras."
At least I think we are, our name changes weekly.
I am nervous, I am excited, I am... about to live out one little part of a life long goal.
And the fact my parents and sister will be in the audience to watch me act like a complete fool
and probably fall flat on my ass gives me the eebie jeebies.
I'm going to write a full post about it tomorrow I promise.
It's just that right now it's 5:30 a.m. and I haven't slept a wink and I'm supposed to be getting up
around 7 a.m. to meet my boss...

So like I said, don't hate me for straying as of late from my normal blog routine,
I've just got a lot on my plate right now.
But fear not, I'm going to give you a brief rundown of two blogs I am really loving right now.
For realsy.
First we've got the lovely Gay from the blog fittingly named
A Girl Named Gay.
Recently, I've been living vicariously through Gay's instagram photos because she was just on an amazing vacation in Hawaii not too long ago.
You can read about that vacay here.
Not to mention it's also always fun to look at the life of a stylish SoCal Momma
and adorable little kiddos.
Read more about Gay below.

And then we've got beautiful Setarra from The Burghal Gurl.
Setarra totally amazes me because she is professional dancer living her life to the fullest in New York.
Just check out this post about her twinkle toes to see what I mean.
She's sassy, fun, and I have a feeling that the next time
I'm in New York I will definitely be giving her a call.
Read more about Setarra below.

Q&A with A Girl Named Gay
Jennifer Gardner would play her in a movie, Jerry Maguire is her inspiration,
and Aretha Franklin sings back up. Read on...

1.What song title would best describe your blog? 

You Make Me Feel like a Natural Woman. Sing it, Aretha...with soul!

2. Why did you start blogging?
No one said it better than Jerry Macguire, "YOU....complete me!" Little did Renee Zelwegger know, he wasn't talking about her. Shockingly enough, he was talking about...blogging. While this started as a great way to document, after a while I was all, Hold up, I love this! And so the for real blogging began. And so to echo Mr Maguire, I confess...Blogging completes me, y'all. What can I say?!

3. Hollywood just called, they're turning your blog into a movie. 
What's the title and who plays you?
The Doozies of Desperate Housewife Numero Uno
I'd go ahead and give Jenn Gardner the privilege of playing me.

4. What were your childhood dreams, what are they now?
To be a mama. Always wanted babies! Now that I have no babies but lots of kids, those dreams are shifting. Call it cliche, but I want to live a passionate life. My new goals are chasing passion and making life awesome.

5. What's your favorite part about blogging?
I love being vulnerable and sharing my weaknesses, my humiliations, my fears, my trials only to have other people say, "Huh uh! Me too!" It takes me from a place of feeling like it's me against the world to realizing...we're all a bit more alike than it seems.


1. What song title would best describe your blog? 
"Supercool". Because ... I'm like ... Supercool!?  I'm in love with this song by the Bullitts. It lifts me up whenever I'm in a funk. It's become the anthem of my life this past year. My blog is a reflection of my life so it only makes sense.... And if they hate then let them hate and watch the money pile up ;)

2. Why did you start blogging?
2 years ago, I moved up to NYC from DC for a new job just 3 weeks after tearing my ACL during a dance rehearsal. A crazy decision but I feel so blessed to currently work for one of the top ranking higher ed dance programs in the US. The transition wasn't easy tho. Despite all the people that live in NYC, it was really hard trying to meet new people and I was this close to moving back home. That's when I realized that I was spending too much time focusing on the negative things in life instead of the positive. So I pushed myself to stop waiting on other people and went exploring NYC by myself. That's when I thought "Nothing lasts forever so I should document this." And BOOM! The blog manifested. It started off with me posting pics from my first trip to the Caribbean last June and the rest is history. I'm so glad I stuck it out in NYC and took the jump into blog land :)

3. Hollywood just called, they're turning your blog into a movie. 
What's the title and who plays you?
"The Burghal Gurl", it's the name of my blog and I'm sticking with it. The person who would play me would be a younger version of Kimora Lee Simmons (before she had kids). She's mixed, I'm mixed. She's funny, I'm funny? She's artistic, I'm artistic. She's a biotch, I'm a biotch ... sometimes. She's an entrepreneur and at some point I would really like to work for myself. In high school, everyone called me "Phat Phat" because I was always wearing pieces from her Baby Phat clothing line. It just fits.

4. What were your childhood dreams, what are they now?
My childhood dream was to move to NYC, dance and book a gig touring with Janet Jackson as a backup dancer. I accomplished the New York part, but have yet to dance since I'm still recovering from having knee surgery. Injuring myself forced me to think "What happens when I can't dance anymore?" I thought I was gonna hate it but surprisingly, I've found that I enjoy working behind the scenes just as much as I love being on stage. I honestly don't know what I want to do with my life but what I do know is that as long as I'm involved in the arts, specifically dance, then I'll be just fine. Hopefully I'll find an answer soon! (talk about quarter century mid-life crisis)

5. What's your favorite part about blogging? 
That there are NO rules. I can blog about anything; I can cuss if I want to ... Wellllll not as much anymore since I just found out my Grams reads my blog! She sent me a message the other day saying that she would prefer me to say "booty" instead of "ass" ... So aside from taking my Grams into consideration, I blog about different topics that generally revolve around food, exploring NYC, dance and everything in between. There really is no right or wrong to blogging. There may be a preferred or suggested method to becoming a successful blogger... But at the end of the day, I blog because it makes me happy. People are gonna like what I'm blogging about and stick around ... Orrrr they may not and move on to the next blog. It's a free world in this blog-dom. But you know, there is a little part of me that would really love if you stopped my blog and said hello ;)

PS Congrats to Ashley from Embracing the Everyday for winning The Daily Tay giveaway.
And for those of you that entered the $1500 giveaway a few weeks ago Brittany C. was the winner.

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