This Is Me Ranting

And this is my Friday rant.
Don't worry, I'll make it quick.

I am so done with this week.
So very done.
Someone is testing me to see who much I can take before I break.
And that someone is either Harlow.
Or the Locust king.
All three of which are driving me nuts.

There must be some sort of weird Locust sex farm near my front door
because every single morning I find a new one clinging to the wall,
and a dead one on my step.
And I'm just as freaked out every single time it happens.

As for Chicago? While I love this city dearly,
sometimes I just want to get the hell out.Like today. When I was stuck in a traffic jam for sixty minutes trying to drive ten miles.
And also when I had to move my car this morning before the street cleaners came
at 7:00 a.m. to avoid a $200 ticket.
Guess who else had to move their car?
Everybody else in the city.
So we were all looking for new spots at 7 a.m. this morning.
25 minutes later I found one.
Oh, how I dream of a driveway at times...
So Chicago, lighten up. We've had such a good run.
Please don't force me out just yet.
I'm still very much in love with my neighborhood.

And then there's my BFF, Harlow.
The guy who I spend all of my waking hours with.
Somewhere along the lines we've gotten things confused
and he thinks he's the owner, and I'm the dog.
Would you believe I'm up to taking him on six walks a day?
He whines, and I grab the leash before he bitch slaps me with his paw.

1. Morning walk
2. Mid morning walk
3. Afternoon dog beach
4. DQ late afternoon stop
5. After work Lincoln Park jaunt
6. Late night walk
The workers at DQ know his name.
And he knows theirs.
Want to know how Harlow thanks me for all of this?
One shoe? Nbd.
A total of 26 pairs of shoes between Chris and I in the span of about three months?

It's my fault. I enable him, I know this.
But you try scolding this face.
It's not easy.

So as "punishment" we're sending him off to end- of- summer camp today for a few weeks.
Summer camp= Chris's parents cabin in Nebraska.
ie: off leash the entire time, free to roam in open fields,
swim in ponds and lakes, and chase bunnies and squirrels as his heart desires.
He's going to love it.
And we say we're going to love it, but I know I'll miss him after day one.

That's all I've got.
Harlow will be demanding his after work Lincoln Park jaunt any second now
and he hates it when I keep him waiting.

Have a good weekend!
While you're having a cocktail think of me as I'll be enduring a nine hour
drive to Nebraska, or still sitting in Friday night Chicago traffic...


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