Surprise! I'm Still Talking About My Bday- Part II

So what was I saying?
Oh yes, recap of Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday.
Friday night-
The surprise party was in full force and things were going great,
but then the clock struck midnight and we were all worried we'd turn into old maids if we didn't go out so we headed downtown.

In my ripe old age of 25 I should have known better.
It's just NEVER a good idea to head downtown at this hour.
Things are sloppy and will only get sloppier.

We headed to the Kerryman.
We find more friends, take more bday shots, and I'm pretty sure I started doing this creepy dance I made up in college called the "gumby."
Picture the cartoon character and then imagine how he'd dance.
Because that's what I do
and it's as awful as it sounds.
One thing leads to another and pretty soon there is a group of 
thuggish ruggish girls pushing one of my friend's, 
who probably shouldn't be pushed, 
because well, she's not the type to be pushed around.
Even though she's probably only 5'6 and 115 lbs...
Doesn't matter.
Words are exchanged
extensions are pulled-
just kidding, but they could have been.
Luckily it was closing time and we all jumped in cabs before a full on Mean Girls fight broke out.

Next stop:
The Weiners Circle.
i.e. the little hot dog shop on Clark where the workers are notoriously known for being rude and obnoxious.
It retrospect, probably not the best place for us to have gone.
This is where Kim did push ups (among other things...) for french fries.
It's also where she payed $20 for the worst caricature ever.
I will not be going back here.
I don't enjoy being called a dumb white bi*ch because I didn't know they only took cash.

After one more brief stop at Andy's rooftop for even more shenanigans 
we finally decided to head home around 4:00 a.m.
This is not normal for me.

I like to start early
and end early.
But this was a special occasion.

After dying all day Saturday 
 we got ourselves together in time to head to dinner at Quartino downtown.
I love this place.

It's great for big groups and sharing small plates.
We ate too much Italian food,
drank too much champagne 
and ended it with a bday dessert where everyone at the table sang to me
and everyone in the restaurant stared...

I tried my hardest not to blush and let my eyes water as they usually do in situations like this.
I think I did pretty well-
even when Kenz stole the birthday balloon from the table next to us and tied it behind my chair.

We finished off the night with a cruise around the city in a limo,
courtesy of Kenz's friend Bill, and his personal driver, Boris.

Chris loves limos :)

And we finished off the weekend with a little more sightseeing for Mother's Day.
I was a walking zombie at this point,
but was still so happy to have everyone in town.

As if we hadn't gone out enough,
we wanted to finish strong Sunday night and headed to Chicago's finest blues bar
"Kingston Mines" for some live music.

And that is just a little glimpse into the weekend that was.
Like I said, not a bad one considering I had no idea any of it was about to happen.
I just wish it wouldn't have all gone by in what felt like only ten minutes.

And today is the day I start packing up my house for the move.
I think I might be the only person in the world who LOVES moving.
Oh boy, I get so gitty about the thought of reorganizing I can hardly handle it.
And is it weird I've been pulling boxes out of my neighbor's trash today?
I didn't think so either.
I nearly fought a homeless man to get a great microwave box.
He only wanted it because I did...
unless of course he was looking for a new end table.

Anyway one more thing-
in honor of my bday tomorrow/in honor of the fact I promise I will no longer be mentioning my bday after tomorrow
I will be having an awesome giveaway.
So check back.

PS- my mom brought this "bday hat" all the way from Nebraska...

Apparently I mentioned in an earlier post I would be wearing it.
And she remembered...

So there you have it.

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