Hello Friday!

As of today...
Chris and I signed the papers and this lovely little brownstone will be ours on May 1st.

And by “ours” I mean ours as renters of course, by “papers” I mean the lease. And do I even need to say we have only just the first floor? Didn’t think so.

Speaking of, I still can't figure out how I keep seeing so many Facebook posts about "signed on our house!" and they mean like bought, not rent. How did I miss the "we're at the age to buy homes" train? 

I'm still trying to figure out how I can afford my next pair of colored jeans. Which WON'T be another pair of $180 purple Joes jeans. Probably not my best purchase. And that might be why I'm still on the renter train... Hmmm.
But take a look at our very “own” wonderful side yard/patio we will be acquiring. In Chicago, having a yard this huge is pretty much un heard of. It’s almost as good as having a water slide that leads from your bedroom to your pool. Will any child from the 90s ever get over the movie Blank Check? Or am I the only one still obsessed with having everything Preston Macintosh had?

Clearly I am very excited. Chicago summers= amazing. I love this time of year, when I start to get the "schools out for summer" feeling. Doesn't matter that I've been out of school for almost 3 years now (gross.) I still get the feeling that it's time to toss things up a bit. 

Like... do a good spring cleaning and get rid of all my ugly clothes (purple jeans) start staying up later and playing outside longer... 

no good.

And does anyone else crave a good old fashioned ride on the zipper at the D.C. Lynch Carnival right about now? Nothing says the start of summer like a toothless carnie selling cotton candy and funnel cakes from the back of his trailer. Oh  Nebraska, I need to come visit ASAP.

Speaking of carnies/gypsies. I realized today that since I moved out of my parents house back in 2005, I have moved every year, at least once a year ever since. Sometimes twice a year. That's a lot of moving in 7 years. Maybe I can settle down in this new place for at least two years... Maybe. But probably not. You can take the girl out of the carnival, but you can't take the carnival out of the girl. 

Remind me sometime to talk about my summer job of 2008 where I worked right alongside the workers of D.C. Lynch carnivals traveling from one Nebraska fair to the next. Good people, those carnies.

Anyways... Happy Friday. I'm feeling good about this one. Kammie and I are just days from getting our website up for our children's book, A Bottle For You. A Bottle For Me, which means we can start taking orders soon! She did in ten minutes, what would have taken me over 4 hours to design on the website. I think I've talked her into revamping my blog here pretty soon...

And even more exciting, I think I'm going to have my first giveaway within the next few days! If you haven't yet, check out the shop at Peaceofme. The shirts are super cute and fit really well. More deets to come on this later.

Time to enjoy the weekend! and go buy another mega millions ticket...

and sorry about the font/size problems going on in this post, it seems blogger.com was trying to ruin my great Friday... nice try.

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