The call never came yesterday... So I called them, I've never been one to wait around. Whoever said "good things come to those who wait," is probably still waiting around for those good things to come. You gotta go out and get the good shit for yourself, life is too short to sit around and wait all damn day. By 3:45 p.m. yesterday after I hadn't heard a thing I said screw it and picked up the phone myself. I really had no other choice, I let them know there were other offers on the table (moving to Norfolk to be Knox's full time nanny or buying fake purses in Chinatown to resell on eBay) so if they wanted me they had to tell me now or I was gonna walk. Turns out... They wanted me! They really wanted me. I felt just like a 16 year old girl getting asked to Homecoming for the first time, or how I imagined that would have felt... I signed the official offer letter today at 9:45 a.m. And as soon as I signed, the boss took me around to all of the other workers (who are all girls) and told them the good news. They shrieked "yay" and hugged me. For real. It felt like sorority bid day all over again, minus the frat boys watching from their front lawns. I was even dressed in the same short Hollister jean skirt and nasty Buckle wedges...Kidding. Kill me. But really, I see some PNF's in these girls. Potential New Friends. I've got a real good feeling about it. I just hope they don't circle my fat and make me cut off and eat my splint ends like my sorority sisters did when I first pledged... Pledged. Haha who says that.
I walked out of the Wrigley building a happy girl. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I wasn't all smug walking around a building where most Chicago tourists come to visit knowing that it was going to be my new official office on Monday. I felt gooood. And then it was on to interview number two. Two jobs you ask? Well yes indeedy, I'm an over achiever now. The next job I am debating taking on as well is Tory Burch, obv. Downfall: working weekends, working retail. Two things I have never done. Upfall: Employee discount, free clothes and shoes given to all employees as "uniform" and TB Christmas gifts!!! Who would turn that down? Since I would just be working weekends I would technically be an "assistant sales" person, working alongside a 16 year old. But she's just not any 16 year old, her last name is Burch. As in Tory's niece. As in I will make sure she is my new best friend and I will buy her beer in exchange for Tory connections. I've got this all planned out. Things are really looking up for me.
Tomorrow will be my first experience at Kirkwoods, Chicago's famed Husker bar. They even serve Runzas and Elk Creek. Naturally, I'm excited. There is nothing better than being in another state reuniting with fellow Nebraskans. Let's be honest, no one moves away to make new friends. We move away and then desperately seek out old friends, or just other Nebraskans we don't technically "know" but feel connected to on account of past and current living situations. For some reason or another those little connections are just so thrilling to make. Like when you meet someone at a Bar who went to the same college as your 6th grade best friend and you say, "Oh yea, do you know So & So? She went there." The person almost always say no. But I've alway thought about what does it really matter if they did happen to know So & So? The conversation can be extended for like 30 more seconds so you two can both reminisce about So & So for a second more and her crazy antics? Like I said, it's just about those small connections.
Well anyway, today is a good day. It's Friday, let us all enjoy this wonderful weekend. Because Monday brings a new work week...