Smoking pounds and dropping hashes.

Everybody knows the secret to crawling out of unemployment is networking yourself. Thus the reason I don't feel guilty about spending 93% of my day on Facebook, I'm networking myself, duh! I've been doing so much creeping I bet I know more about you that you know about you. I'm also familiarizing myself with Twitter. I think I've got the "hashtag" thing figured out. So if I want to tweet something about say... unemployment I would write something like: Sure do enjoy taking three showers a day #unemployment. Is that correct? So I brought this up in a tweet yesterday, but who decided pound was no longer a good enough name for the "#" symbol? Is it changed for good, or just on Twitter? Should I start saying my lucking hash sign is 22? Will Amsterdam start selling pound brownies? Mcdonalds gonna have poundbrowns in the morning with their egg McMuffins? These are the types of things an unemployed person thinks about.

So Twitter suggests various people you should be friends with, and it keeps telling me to befriend Bo Pelini. Naturally, I keep declining, but just for the hell of it I checked out his tweeting profile. Bo has 25,348 followers, but he only follows seven people.One of the seven is actually a guy Brittany Love dates, and I'm not talking about Doc Sadler. So that obviously means Jake Wesch is probably the guy responsible for running Bo's Twitter account, which makes sense now why number two of seven for who Bo follows is Farrah from Teen Mom. But after looking at Bo, I was led to Suh. In Suh's profile, a space where one is only allowed so many letters to write about themselves, he has one very important accomplishment listed. Any guesses what this is? Heisman candidate? Star in national car commercial? Husker legend? Wrongo: "World record holder, for world's largest tweetup." Yeah, we got the world part Suh, no need to be redundant here. But what a doucher. Are you kidding me? What does a tweetup even mean? Whatever, I must just not get it, it must be important if that's the first thing Suh wants the Twitter world to know about him. To each their own Twitter profile.

So yeah... if you feel like following my rants and insults my name is thedailytay, original I know. I'm not nearly as entertaining as Khloe Kardashian or Taylor Swift, but every once in a while I'll post more than three times in a month. And one of these days I'll figure out how to put photos on Twitter so everyone can see the important images I feel must be sent online, because I see a lot of shit that should be sent to the Twitter world, that is fo shoo. Anywho, I'm just waiting on that call today... The call that will let me know if I have a job or not... nbd. Just waiting. Sitting, waiting, wishing, eating banana pancakes. Wondering where Jack Johnson went and if he'll ever write another song about me. Gonna cut myself off now before I start babbling... But seriously, when are they gonna call? I just need to know... Did I get into Berkley or am I gonna have to go to Clown College with Kimmy Gibler? Ah the suspense is killing me!

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