Well, I've officially got one day of work under my belt. And I am happy to report that I don't want to quit. I've got a real good feeling about this one, I think it might actually be a fit. The last office I worked at briefly (6 days) was all guys, but I told myself that was a good thing, that I was a "cool guys gal" anyway so obviously I would fit in just right. But let's cut the shit, as much as we all like to pretend we're one those girls who just "gets along better with boys" or "has always had more guy friends than girls," it's usually not true. Girls who can't make friends with other girls are usually the ones who own up to this title. I like scented candles too much, I can't stand it when people don't use coasters and if my pillows aren't situated just right on the couch I think it looks messy. Do you think Chris relates to any of this? No, his idea of a candle is a Citronella, and he still can't grasp the fact that some pillows are only for display. Boys call this OCD, girls call it good housekeeping.
So as it turns out my new office, which is entirely girls, might be just what I need. When I started at my all boy's job awhile ago the only thing they had "set up" for me at my desk was a computer and a phone. I had to borrow a pen from the kid next to me and was given a pad only after asking for one. Today, on the other hand, when I opened my drawers they were full of colored paper clips and highliters and multi colored desk organizers! It was great, it was like the first day of school. Right when I sat down, the girl next to me looked to be hard at work studying her computer screen when she all of the sudden shrieked "OH MY GOD! JLo and Bradley Cooper were spotted together eating dinner last night." I felt home. And then I felt disgusted, why on earth would Bradley Cooper be with Jenny from the block? Is he planning a wedding maybe? Needing a maid in Manhattan perhaps...and every other reference to JLo's awful movies where she plays an innocent yuppy white woman.
Anyway, the morning proceeded quite nicely. Girl chit chat here and there, a little bit of daydreaming out of my window that oversees the river and the Trump tower. And before I knew it it was time for lunch. Having rode the unemployment trains for two weeks too long, my pockets are tight so I opted to pack a turkey sandwich for lunch rather than going out. But boy was I in for a surprise. Two of my coworkers and my boss invited me out for lunch with them. Two hours later and two bottles of wine later, the four of us were still at lunch. I was in Mad Men heaven. The cocktails, the steak lunch, the only thing missing was some sexual harassment and I might as well have been in the 60s. Give me a job that entails classy day drinking and I'm on board. Turns out cold calling with a slight buzz is much easier than without, I would recommend it for every sales job. I think I could have sold a Nebraska fan an Iowa jersey today I was on such a roll. Okay, I'm kidding that's just ridiculous.
But yeah, I don't wanna jinx myself but everything seems pretty good so far... We'll just have to see how day number two goes.