(Upside down exclamtion point) Salud!

And it's officially vacation time for me. No more work for seven days. Thank God. I'm not trying to rub this in, I mean I haven't even posted a vacation status or anything and trust me, I have been tempted many times after seeing quite a few "it's the weekend for me in 12 hours" and "can't wait to drink with friends and family in T-24 hours." I could easily have thrown out "Cabo in less than 12 hours where it's 80 degrees and I don't have to do anything for the next 7 days!" But I won't. I have better Facebook etiquette than that. Some people really lack manners on social networking sites. For example, I happened to notice quite a bit of drama unfolding yesterday regarding this site and say perhaps a few other sites linked to it and say perhaps certain individuals. Tsk tsk, don't people have anything better to do... Cricket cricket.

Anywho, I am just incredibly excited, as I am sure all of you are for these next few days. So much fun and drinking and eating is right around the corner. Our resort in Cabo always does such a nice job as portraying an American Thanksgiving, it's quite interesting to see our holiday through foreign eyes. For example, the decor in the main Thanksgiving dining area typically always involves hay stacks, bizarre cow and chicken statues, cowboys and horses, sometimes a scare crow and corn crops. That pretty much sums of the mexican view of our American holiday. I do get a bit sad that I am never able to watch the Macys Day Parade, I suppose I could watch it if I really wanted to, but it's just not the same in spanish. And I also hate it that I am never able to participate in Black Friday shopping. Actually, I take that back, I am not sad at all considering I have never in my life ventured out on this awful day to shop. To those of you that go out, I truly do admire you and your bravery. I don't think I could ever do it. For me, shopping is usually a fun and relaxing thing. It is one of the few things in life that I am not competitive about. If shopping suddenly became a stressful race for me I would literally have nothing left. I don't even like to think about me on Black Friday shopping. I am sure I would either kill someone or be killed, or I would finally have that heart attack that I know has been creeping up on me since childhood. I would also be that lunatic who would start buying shit just because I would see other people buying hoards of it, I would probably come home with like ten turbo nurf guns and five at home pedicure tubs just because I saw they were a hot commodity. Did I just date myself back to the early 90's or what? Are nurf guns still around? I hope so. Those things were great, wasn't it Blank Check that made them extra famous? Man, talk about one of the best movies of all time. I would like to watch that movie again because I have a feeling the check he wrote was probably for only like $10,000 and we all know a water slide from your room would cost a lot more than that. But anyway, I don't even know if Mexico has Black Friday. Maybe it's called Brown Friday? Was that bad? Does everybody like charge the beach at 3 a.m. to purchase from their favorite vendors? Do silver necklaces go from 3 for $2.00 to 10 for $5, do the first fifty people get free ponchos? I've never thought about this before in all the years I have been in Mexico on the day after Thanksgiving. Maybe I should consider starting this crazy American tradition for the locals. They'd love me after they'd see their Chicklet sales shoot through the hut... Oh stop it's all in good fun. I love Mexico and everything that goes with it. Tomorrow night at this time I fully intend to be sitting by the sky pool with a Dirty Monkey in one hand and a drink in the other. (Upside down exclamation point)Salud!

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