Day 1 Cabo. Merry Christmas TSA

So I said earlier people start to act a little strange when the weather changes. But even more so than people, animals start to act real odd, as well. I first noticed it a few days ago with the two dead cows and the drive by, or perhaps they were just trying to perform a routine car jacking and something obviously went drastically wrong, I still haven't heard the full story quite yet. Then last night on our way to dinner Chris and I happened to see a fox in our neighbor's yard chewing on their Christmas lights. Chris and I stopped the car and pulled up real close to it, it was the closest I had ever come to a fox I think. Boy, was it cute. It reminded me of a cross between a cat and dog with a big bushy squirrel tail. So I said,

"Hey Fox, come here."

And to my surprise it came. Then it just stopped and sat down like a perfect house dog and stared at me. It was bizarre. Then it got a real sly look in it's eye and I started to get a little anxious realizing that foxes are notorious for being sneaky little bastards. I told Chris we better move on before it started to pull some crazy shenanigans on us.

Then just a couple of hours ago as I was lugging my suitcase to my car at about 4:00 a.m. I saw a wise old owl sitting in the tree next to our apartment. It wasn't sleeping or hooting or anything, just looking. My first thought was that I was finally getting my long awaited invitation to Hogwarts. Of all days this was not a good one. I had to get to the airport. So I hate to say I chose Cabo over Hogwarts, but that's kinda how it seemed. Besides, if it truly was my invite I know it will come again.

So now I sit in the airport waiting to board my first flight to Denver. Luckily, I made it through security without a problem. I was a bit worried about this given the fact that today is National "Opt Out" Day- which basically means all those prudes who don't want to walk through the scanners and refuse to let the TSA feel them up are going to cause a real fuss today. Security lines are supposed to be awful. I chose to opt in and let the TSA have their way with me. And just to make the prudey judys extra uncomfortable I made sure to giggle and moan uncontrollably as they were patting me down. I just don't get why people are making such a big deal out of it. TSA staff need love too. But I guess I really don't care anymore, I did my part with security for the day. Now it's just two plane rides and then hello Cabo! I am scheduled to land at the same time my parents do in Mexico, Chris is coming in tomorrow. I sure hope all the flights are on time. I sure would hate to have to be on the hour taxi ride to our resort all alone. It's so expensive. I suppose I could always find someone at the airport who might be willing to share the cab with me. That's not a bad idea. I'll just look for someone that looks really nice and safe and tell him I'm all alone with no cell service to talk with anyone I know and would he mind sharing a cab. Always looking to save a buck. Day 1, so far so good. Cheers to hoping Day 2 doesn't begin with "Day 1 of my new life in human trafficking."

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