Today is a very special day. Three years ago on November 3rd I began dating my best friend. And then me and Kate decided it probably wouldn’t work out so I started dating Chris. Oh I can remember the awkward “will you be my girl friend” conversation like it was just yesterday. We were sitting in Fiji and it was a Saturday night. We had both just returned from Lawrence from the afternoon KU vs Nebraska game, naturally, we were both extremely hungover from the Hawk the night before. I told him I wasn’t in the mood to go out and wanted to stay in and watch a movie, he agreed this was a good idea. He also told me that this was the first Saturday he had stayed in since he started college. I was just so tickled he was willing to give up a night of drinking to hang out with me. He decided he was hungry so he ordered the Italian special from Jimmy Johns- extra meat. This was when I knew he was the one. When that sub came my stomach nearly ate itself with anticipation. I was still in the new dating phase where I pretended I didn’t eat a lot so at first I declined a bite when he offered. He offered again, I think he saw me staring at the meat falling out of the sides, and so I couldn’t help myself. I gave in and took a bite so big I almost choked myself, not kidding. This is when he knew I was the one. I think it went something like this after that,
“So, I really like hanging out with you.” His breath reeked of pepperoni. He still gets mad when I say this.
“Ya. Me too,” my breath reeked of pepperoni.
“Do you uh, like, should we like, date for real?”
“Like officially?
“Ya. I think so.”
It was straight out of a romantic movie.
“Are you going to put this on Facebook?” this was obviously me.
“I don’t care.”
“I feel like we should wait just a little bit.”
This was me being insecure, worrying that he might suddenly decide I wasn’t “the cool girlfriend” I appeared to be and break up with me shortly after and I’d have to go through the humiliation of a Facebook break up.
“Like omg, I saw she was just in a new relationship like last week, and it’s already off.”- Snotty girl.
“Ya, that’s like so embar.”-snotty girl’s friend.
Obviously this didn’t happen because I am about as awesome as it gets. Three years later here we are. Living the dream in Topeker. He’s gonna take me to a real fancy restaurant tonight. We thought about Olive Garden, but that place is always packed, it’s right alongside Red Lobster and Applebees and literally their parking lots are always completely full. We think you have to know someone to get a reservation there. I told him no presents, but I could still see him surprising me with something nice. Maybe some Black Hills gold earrings or something. There is a jewelry store downtown known for their Black Hills stuff. I just hope he wouldn’t do something stupid and try to hide it in my dessert or something. Then again, he knows better than to come between me and dessert. The situation would be similar to trying to grab a bone from Jagz, our Doberman. Like Jagz, I can’t be blamed for tearing skin.
So I know you’re all probably wondering… When are we going to take the next step. We talk about it, don’t get me wrong, we definitely discuss it. It’s just such a huge decision we don’t want to jump right into it just because everyone else is. I’ve seen too many times when people just get too caught up in the hype and the fun and then they end up being regretful later on in life. Not many people know this, but I am guilty of making this exact mistake once in my life. In Vegas- go figure. I was sixteen years old. I don’t know what I was thinking. Maybe I just did it because I could. And I’ve had to live with the consequence, to this day this decision still haunts me. Haunts my lower back side to be exact. So this is why Chris and I aren’t just going to get the first his and hers tattoos that we think of. He for example, would like us to get matching Herbie Husker tattoos with a heart around them. So lame. I said if we’re going to get something we need to get something really cool and meaningful like Nike swooshes on our calves. He wasn’t too excited about this, either. But this is exactly why we haven’t taken this step yet. We’re clearly not ready. And I’m okay with that.
All I ask for tonight is a nice dinner and good bottle of wine and I will be more than content. Of course it wouldn't hurt either if he went to Jared... I've had my eye on their new heart charm necklace.
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