Black Friday

Another great Thanksgiving has come and gone already. For once in my life I did not wake up food hungover. But I'm not bragging about this or even remotely happy about it, either. Wednesday morning I woke up with a terrible cold, which somehow led to a touch of the flu, which then ended with a few too many painful hours of dehydration. Have you ever been sick on vacation- and over a holiday no less? It's awful. While everyone was sipping margaritas by the pool yesterday, toasting to Thanksgiving I was in bed drowning my sorrows with a mouth full of cold medicine.

The worst part was last night when it was time to go to the Thanksgiving dinner we all know and love so much and I had to stay back. I got dressed, attempted to do my hair, and really made an effort of making it happen but I just couldn't. So while everyone else went to feast on turkey I stayed at the house and ordered soup. Because Chris is the best guy ever he stayed back, as well. And as we were waiting for our dinner to arrive he was slamming any and all food in the house proclaiming, "Just because I can't have Thanksgiving dinner, doesn't mean I can't get Thanksgiving full." That's what I like about Chris, he's always willing to make the best out of a situation- that and he's never too good to drink the crumbs from a Dorito bag.

But enough complaining, what am I saying? I need to suck it up and enjoy the last forty eight hours of this beautiful place. This is my view at this very moment, so besides a little sniffle and a scratchy throat, I'm doing okay.

And now for a few more photos to recap what I've been up to...

We did a little snorkeling at Chilleno Beach toward the beginning of the week. A little snorkeling and little bit of Corona drinking, I should say. I like snorkeling, once I can get past the whole fish part (yes, I realize that sounds ridiculous.) I've grown up my entire life trying to swim away from fish in lakes and oceans, so it was kind of a struggle for me to make myself swim toward the fish. And I was pretty much done for once Chris found a spotted eel in the reef he wanted me to come see. No, thank you. I don't like fish that smile at you.

On Monday it was a bit cloudy so we walked around the cute town of San Jose while the boys golfed. I was more than delighted to see a few Christmas decorations hung around the streets.

And then I even got over zealous and made a crappy sandcastle (thanks to all of the practice I've had in improv classes.)

Which of course Knox immediately jumped on.

Try not to look at the difference in skin tones between Chris and I.

Back in the day I used to get up at 9:00 a.m. to bake in the sun when we'd come down to Cabo. And now I've got the sun spots to prove it. So no more tanning for this girl, I've been wearing hats and caking on the sunscreen. But not Chris, the moment the sun touches his skin he's black.

And because each photo takes about ten minutes to upload, I'm going to have to stop for the moment. A Bloody Mary is being put in front of my face so I guess I better drink it, I heard alcohol kills cold germs. Hope you're all having a wonderful day after Thanksgiving! See you later!

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