When Spring Finally Came to Chicago

Yesterday as a blizzard swept through the lovely town of Norfolk, Nebraska
it almost reached 70 here in Chicago.
And it was amazing.
Although, this long and painful winter has made me realize one thing about Chicagoans;
they are a hard ass group of people.
On Sunday it was barely 45 degrees, but just because the sun was shining people were wearing shorts and tank tops.
While I was still in my winter coat, the guy next to me was in a "Go Bears" cut-off.
It was impressive.

So of course Harlow and I took full advantage of the beautiful weather that presented itself yesterday.

We took a quick trip to the beach.

This would be the running path I occasionally like to pretend I run on.
Because he's a mountain lion, Harlow prefers to run up high on the rock path.

And finally Lincoln Park is going green!

And then Harlow ended the day hunting for squirrels.

I realize this is a pretty lame, photo heavy post, 
I'm just short on time today because I've got an interview coming up here in an about an hour.
So now I've got to go see if I remember how to put on makeup and curl my hair.
I've also got to practice my interview laugh and corny jokes.
If there's one place I truly hate myself the most, it's in interviews.
Wish me luck. 


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