The Boss

Friday night we went to the see The Boss in concert.
AKA Bruce Springsteen.
AKA Born To Run.
and Glory Days.
and I'm on Fire.
and my personal favorite: Secret Garden (but only with the Jerry Maguire dialogue included.)
I just love me so good Amurican music like Bruce.
I also love free beer and food.
The concert was held at Wrigley Stadium,
and we had tickets to watch from one of the surrounding roof tops.
So were we super close? No, not at all.
But we also didn't have to pay $8 for a beer, and stand on top of one another.

So even though Chris said he probably wouldn't want to see a concert from a roof top again,
I said I would.
He's all about sound quality and feeling connected with the singer and blah blah blah.
Me on the other hand, I'm all about food, drink, and bathroom lines.
None of which did I have to wait more than three minutes for.
And the food was bomb.
I'm talking pizza, phillys, hot dogs, burgers. They had it all.
Half way through the show they even brought out an array of desserts like
cheesecake, cookies, brownies and ice cream sundaes.
Classic Chicagooo food.
And just a couple of hetro young men sharing a mini cheesecake.
"You want to know how I know you're gay" you share cheesecake at a Bruce Springsteen concert...
Jk. But really.

And did I mention Eddie Vedder popped by for a quick little appearance?
Look closely enough and I bet you can see him.

I think my friend, Katy, might have had a mini heart attack when she found this out.
Katy's a concert girl.
If I've been to a concert in Chicago, it's been with her.
And she's the one who probably told us about it.
And she probably saw the band the night before, as well.

So yeah, I'd say it was a pretty great night.
And now for your viewing pleasure I've included the Secret Garden/Jerry Maguire remix.
You're welcome.
For the next 4.5 minutes pretend Monday isn't just hours away.


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