Anyone else think that perhaps that is kind of a weird song for children to sing? I was humming it today out of nowhere when it dawned on me how bizarre those lyrics are. Anyway, I am one hundred kinds of distracted today so I'm going to take a cheat and just post five things that are going on right now. And to make up for such a dumb post I'll wrap it up below by giving away five of my favorite things, as well. (You know, to go with the whole five things theme...)
#1. Chris asked me this morning if my coat was a bathrobe. It's not. And apparently it's not nearly as cool as I originally thought it was. Thanks Chris.
#2. It's supposed to rain all day and I don't hate it. Harlow, however does. He is such a baby he absolutely despises the rain. The other night we came home and it was pouring so hard he literally refused to get out of the car. I finally had to carry him inside, and believe you me, he fought me the entire way in.
#3. It is yellow all around my neighborhood.
#4. Except for this one little pink tree at the park who refuses to conform, but is shedding her leaves far too fast. Stay strong, pink tree! Stay strong.
#5. Rain is dripping down the windows, I've got an apple cinnamon candle burning, green tea brewing, and I'm feeling jolly. So in an attempt to spread my jollies, I just decided spur of the moment to give away five of my favorite things. It's nothing big by any means, but sometimes it's the small things that make me the happiest. Maybe you feel the same way too.
Up for grabs: (one winner takes all)
1. Raymond Waites Makeup Bag 2. The Perfect (Not) Paper Coffee Cup 3. Soy Candle by Seed (best candles ever!) 4. Ginger Bread Bath Bar 5. "just a little note" Note Cards
As always, thank you so much for reading. Happy hump day.
a Rafflecopter giveaway