Big day for the blog yesterday, huge! Not only did I hit my 420th post, but I also got my very first negative comment! And it’s anonymous, no less. So I’d just like to be upfront here and say that for the next few paragraphs or so I am going to spend far too much time discussing this one comment. Feel free to click back to whoever you were stalking on Facebook at anytime if you’re not in the mood to read yet another pointless rant of mine. But anywho, if you haven’t taken the time to notice the infamous comment, please look below. I guess I just feel so incredibly honored to have my first official hater. Strike that, who am I kidding I’ve had haters since I could talk, probably even before then. What I meant is this is simply the first time (on here) that someone has finally spoken out against me and my silly thoughts. And let me tell you, that takes guts, especially to do it anonymously. To get all riled up and pissed at some bitchy girl to the point of thinking, “you know what, I’m going to comment something, this stupid girl complains all the time, and I’m tired of it by golly, so rather than clicking away, I’m gonna comment. I’m gonna do it. Just watch me.” And then you did! I hope it felt as good as you imagined. As good as it feels when you complain about Husker athletes on Rivals, or when you get into comment fights on YouTube or when you post about why you think the Kardashians are ruining the world (which I kinda do too, see we’re not that different, you and I.)
But I digress, I knew I’d spend far too much time on this. But I can’t help it, I’m just a little excited is all. I feel like it’s a real milestone. Now don’t get carried away all you cyberspace Negative Nillys out there and start flooding me with your pissy comments getting all anxious in your Jo Boxers that you’ve finally found a good internet opponent who is going to take the bait and respond to everything you say. Because I won’t. I’m like way too busy complaining and blogging about more important things. But… Just this one time I will give an official and very thorough response to:
“man I would really hate to be your boyfriend, a lot of people had to work today, get over it”
The good news is that you’re not my boyfriend. So right off the bat you’ve got that going for you, I think we can both agree you’ve dodged a bullet here. The thought of you and I together is just silly. For starters, I don’t even know you, and for enders I somehow (luckily I know) managed to snag a good guy already. And I'm quite sure you have an equally as wonderful girlfriend. I don’t think Chris minds being my boyfriend, in fact, most times I think he kinda likes it. And as for a lot of people having to “work today,” well see now that’s the difference between you and I, Mr. Anonymous. Perhaps this might be true for you, but I happen to know a lot of people who didn’t have to work yesterday. My mom, my sister, my brother, basically all of my friends, my grandma, my dog, the Kardashians, um… and everyone else I saw out gallivanting on Michigan avenue yesterday. So you have to understand where I was coming from. It was just a rough day for me. But you’re right. I need to get over it. Thanks for the advice.
Well it’s about to time to start my humpday. But just for the record, I do encourage comments. I just don’t often notice them, it was my mom today who actually texted me (because she wasn’t working) “you have a comment! And it’s not good!” Yikes! And I’d also like to say everything I write is simply in good humor. Take it for what you want. If it riles you to the point of posting something along the lines of “get over it,” I suggest you “get over it” and find another blog to browse. There’s a ton out there. And speaking of other blogs, I saw on one that today is “National Follow a Blog Day!” How exciting. So feel free to click “join this site” on the right side if that’s something that meets your fancy.
Enjoy your last Wednesday of 2011. I woke up on the right side of the bed today and am determined to make it a good one! I suggest you do the same. I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes,
"Dogs are forever in the pushup positon." -Mitch Hedberg
And P.S. (next time you comment, try to be a little more subtle, Carl. Geesh.)