And here we are, the last Friday of 2011. How bout that. Where has the year gone? What a good time to reflect on all of the Fridays that have come and gone over this past year. From Fridays spent in high school classrooms in Council Bluffs to Friday afternoons spent driving the lovely interstate between Kansas City and Topeka. And alas, long Friday afternoons spent in downtown Chicago overlooking the Chicago river. It's a trade off, that's fo sho. Working four hour days in Topeka, or eight hour days in Chicago. Pick your poison. At least here I have friends to drink my poison with now every day after work.
From time to time I like to look back on old posts just to check up on my former self and see what I was up to. Here's an excerpt from 12/30/2010. What a silly girl I was:
"Woo hoo tonight is New Years Eve eve! I am like so totally pumped for tomorrow. NYE is like for sure one of the best nights to go out. I know I love getting all dolled up and going out when it's freezing outside and I've just spent the last seven days eating non stop, cooped up inside and the only bit of sunlight my body has seen is from the rays of the microwave. Ya par-tay!! Over priced drinks, overly crowded bars, freezing temps- my kind of night! NYE is also great because it's like the Halloween of winter. Slutty dresses? Yes please! Hooker heels? Uh duhs! Coat to keep me warm? Only if its see through! Us gals can wear absolutely anything we want and no one can judge. I mean, I still judge of course, but it's only out of jealousy, right? Isn't that what it means when you stare at other girls wearing trampy clothes and you're not, it means your jealous. Definitely. I also enjoy NYE, not just because I can use the fun abbreviation NYE, but also because when I say good bye to people at like 10:00 p.m. that I won't see til tomorrow I can say, "see ya next year!" That's just fun. So when I hear people say things like, "it's just another night," or "it's the most overrated night of the year," or other bah humbug stuff like that I feel sorry for the poor fellas. What on earth has made some people so bitter, I wonder? Lack of 12:00 kiss? Plans not "fun enough" to live up to the hype that is NYE? These are all such superficial reasons we are talking about. New Years Eve does for mankind what texting did for deaf people. It opens a whole new window of possibilities. It's just the entry way to a brand new start. What's better than that? Do I go on runs? No. But in 2011 I bet I will! Do I volunteer? Not now. But why the heck not in 2011? So have I been suffering from post Christmas depression as of late? Perhaps a bit. Will I in 2011? Well not in January, but yes, I imagine I will go through the same thing next December. But for now I am keeping my eye on the prize. On ringing in the new year with a great attitude! On making some resolutions and sticking to them. Not the type I used to make when I was little (candy only for dinner, stop making bed, stop brushing teeth) what a silly 18 year old I was! I'm talking about very important things. Like keep Zucky waiting a few more days before I respond. Check. Finish screenplay about life after college and how much it sucks. Check check. Have couch cleaned from the numerous spots Harlow has peed on it. And check. Couch cleaner lady just left twenty minutes ago. All is looking good."
Really hoping to start those runs in 2012... And now lets look at a post from the very next day on 12/31/2010:
"To be quite honest, I've never really cared much for this so called "holiday." It's so overrated. Why would you call the end of a year a holiday, anyway? It has to happen at some point. There is no sense in celebrating the inevitable. It's so American of us to try to celebrate every mundane thing. When are we going to start celebrating every last day of the month? Or hell, let's start celebrating every single Sunday night since it's the end of the week. I'm just not into it. So ask me if care that I am stranded in Topeker on New Years Eve thanks to icey roads and white outs on the interstate? Because I don't care. Not one bit. Nope, I haven't even thought about it, or cried about it, or cried some more, or thrown a fit about how much I hate it here. Because that's just not what I do. I'm just a roll with the punches kinda gal. Nothing gets to me, I'm just easy going like that. So I don't even mind that Chris is on the couch with the stomach flu right now. I'll still wear my 2011! hat I purchased at Target, and blow the horns I bought and do a little new years dance all by myself and still have a grand time. Won't be the first time.
I can only imagine where next new years eve will find me. One never knows. I sure wouldn't have guessed last year at this time that I would ring in 2011 drinking champagne alone in an apartment in Topeker, Kansas. I must have really pissed God off somewhere along the road. Note to self: find church, just not Westboro. Well, I wish you all a very happy new year and Auld Lang Syne, whatever the hell that means. If I make it through tonight I can get through anything."
And I made it through it afterall. Talk about a drama queen, sooo glad I'm over that stage and have like totally matured now and no longer worry about such trivial things. Speaking of worrying, I need to find some time to fit in a spray tan so my pasty legs don't look so pasty in my super slutty NYE skirt... Ugh. So much to do in prepartion of tomorrow.
Ring in the New Year with a good attitude, don't despise tomorrow night and all of the hype that goes with it, embrace it. Or just drink enough to forget about it and pass out early. Either works.