1. How did you come up with the title for you blog, So Much Sunshine?
It is based on a quote from Walt Whitman, “You are so much sunshine to the square inch.” A friend of mine gave me a card with that quote a few years ago and wrote that she thought it described me well. I really appreciated her kind words and the meaning behind them. I like being a person who finds the joy in life. I choose to be light and positive and not focus on all that is wrong. I want my blog to be a reflection of myself and the happiness I find each day. I work as a teacher and feel like any time you integrate Walt Whitman into your day to day life you are better for it.
2. What was the inspiration behind starting your blog?
I started blogging in 2011 in order to document a mission trip I went on to Central America. One of my friends on the trip would blog updates for the group which kind of bothered me. I did not feel like his words represented the whole group or me. Instead of complaining about it I thought, I have a computer and writing skills, I should just write my side of the story. After that experience I realized that I love writing and sharing stories with others (my mom). When I stated to blog again this year I really loved writing helps me focus on my day to day routine and finding meaning in ordinary things. Blogging also keeps in in constant writing practice for the day I sit down to write a book or try my hand at some comedy writing.
3. How is life in Southern California?
Life in Southern California is full of extremes. It can be full out the best, most exciting place to be and then in a day be the worst, most traffic jammed place in the world. I absolutely love living so close to the beach and the mountains. I love that there are great theaters, sports teams, and concerts. It is diverse and there is always someone to show you something from a different culture. And just in terms of vanity I love that I have a pretty good tan for a large part of the year.
The thing I could live without is the pace of life. It is crazy intense and everyone seems to be in constant overdrive. Taking time to sit and connect with good people can be hard because there is always something vying for your time. I grew up in Arizona and miss being able to slow down and look up and see the stars on a clear night.
4. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
In ten years I see myself….. Dang, Taylor I can barely picture where I see myself this weekend. So big dreams I have for myself involve teaching at a university, writing at least one book, traveling around the world with my hunky husband (10 years is enough time to nail that one down), maybe with a kid (I am pretty undecided on the whole “do I want kids” part of life), and with people that I know love me and I love back. I am not sure where all of this will take place or how. If all this fails I am sure I would make a BFF to Mindy Kailing or Amy Poehler.
5. What would the book title for your life be?
Remember That Time… I really love telling stories and sharing the goofy, ridiculous, and bizarre things I have done. I especially like to say “Remember the time…” right after something has happened. I might, for example turn to a friend right now and say, “Remember that time I took over Taylor’s blog on Saturday and so many new people found out about So Much Sunshine?”