And today I'm going to introduce a new segment to my blog,
it's called The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.
This is completely my idea. I swear it has nothing to do with that old show VH1's Best Week Ever.
Except for it was 100% inspired by it, other than that it's all me.
So without further ado, here it is:
a special thanks to my nephew, Knox, for providing me with this great photo!
What a week. What a fricken week. With all that's gone on it's going to be tough to figure
out who has truly had the Best Week Ever.
But let's try, anyway.
(Autumn, if you will.)
Fall is having one helluva week. If I had a dollar for every new cover photo on Facebook
updated this week featuring pretty trees, pumpkins, and anything else fall related-
I'd have at least $13 dollars. You go, Fall. Keep rocking.
Because you've probably only got about four days left until Winter comes in and beats your ass to the ground.
Butt Chugging.
Call me crazy, but Butt Chugging is representing here in this first week of October.
I've heard about BCing on every news station in the past 72 hours.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Well get with it, already! It's all the rage on college campuses.
{College} Kids really do the darndest things!
Here's my question, if you get held upside down to do a beer bong,
does this mean you stand straight up to do an anal bong? Riddle me that!
You guys, how awesome is it that we all got together on Wednesday night
to Tweet and bitch and moan and bitch about political figures rather than celebrities for once?
It's like totally cool.
Reminds me of the olden days when people actually cared about things other than which Kardashian
is stealing baby horses to eat for dinner because she heard it makes her hair shiny.
(Ps- it doesn't work.)
Big Bird.
Big Bird went from PBS to super star in ten minutes.
I know, I know, Big Bird's always been a favorite. But you gotta admit, this week has been huge for him.
He's like the new Betty White.
He's been around forever, but this is just the comeback he needed that might finally get him off the street.
Blog Comments.
More specifically on this post of Raven's.
If you haven't checked them out, I recommend doing so.
I spent my morning sipping coffee and reading Raven's responses to "sugar tits."
Comment fights intrigue me. Especially comment fights between total strangers.
Oh bloggy world, you're so sassy.
But who is really having The Best Week Ever?
I think the answer is pretty obvious.
The Middle Class.
Romney wants to help them, Obama wants to help them.
they're all I seem to hear about this week!
The lower class wants to join 'em, and the upper class wants to pretend they are them.
Everybody wants the middle class on their side!
So I think we should milk this. I mean, I'm assuming I'm middle class, right?
I really have no idea, I still consider myself post-college class.
i.e. I'm in a time in life where I really don't have any money, and yet I still spend like I'm living off student loans,
act like I can buy whatever I want,
and yet at the end of the day I like to kick back with some Hamburger Helper and a beer up my butt.
So I guess I don't know what class that puts me in.
Generalize me how you want.
butt chugging tho people? really? realllllly?
And this has been this week's edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.

it's called The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.
This is completely my idea. I swear it has nothing to do with that old show VH1's Best Week Ever.
Except for it was 100% inspired by it, other than that it's all me.
So without further ado, here it is:
a special thanks to my nephew, Knox, for providing me with this great photo!
What a week. What a fricken week. With all that's gone on it's going to be tough to figure
out who has truly had the Best Week Ever.
But let's try, anyway.
(Autumn, if you will.)
Fall is having one helluva week. If I had a dollar for every new cover photo on Facebook
updated this week featuring pretty trees, pumpkins, and anything else fall related-
I'd have at least $13 dollars. You go, Fall. Keep rocking.
Because you've probably only got about four days left until Winter comes in and beats your ass to the ground.
Butt Chugging.
Call me crazy, but Butt Chugging is representing here in this first week of October.
I've heard about BCing on every news station in the past 72 hours.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Well get with it, already! It's all the rage on college campuses.
{College} Kids really do the darndest things!
Here's my question, if you get held upside down to do a beer bong,
does this mean you stand straight up to do an anal bong? Riddle me that!
You guys, how awesome is it that we all got together on Wednesday night
to Tweet and bitch and moan and bitch about political figures rather than celebrities for once?
It's like totally cool.
Reminds me of the olden days when people actually cared about things other than which Kardashian
is stealing baby horses to eat for dinner because she heard it makes her hair shiny.
(Ps- it doesn't work.)
Big Bird.
Big Bird went from PBS to super star in ten minutes.
I know, I know, Big Bird's always been a favorite. But you gotta admit, this week has been huge for him.
He's like the new Betty White.
He's been around forever, but this is just the comeback he needed that might finally get him off the street.
Blog Comments.
More specifically on this post of Raven's.
If you haven't checked them out, I recommend doing so.
I spent my morning sipping coffee and reading Raven's responses to "sugar tits."
Comment fights intrigue me. Especially comment fights between total strangers.
Oh bloggy world, you're so sassy.
But who is really having The Best Week Ever?
I think the answer is pretty obvious.
The Middle Class.
Romney wants to help them, Obama wants to help them.
they're all I seem to hear about this week!
The lower class wants to join 'em, and the upper class wants to pretend they are them.
Everybody wants the middle class on their side!
So I think we should milk this. I mean, I'm assuming I'm middle class, right?
I really have no idea, I still consider myself post-college class.
i.e. I'm in a time in life where I really don't have any money, and yet I still spend like I'm living off student loans,
act like I can buy whatever I want,
and yet at the end of the day I like to kick back with some Hamburger Helper and a beer up my butt.
So I guess I don't know what class that puts me in.
Generalize me how you want.
butt chugging tho people? really? realllllly?
And this has been this week's edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.