In case you weren't up to speed on your Facebook stalking duties yesterday, you might not have noticed the abundance of gratitude and joy expressed by numerous Husker fans about a few very pleasing letters written from Penn State fans regarding the Huskernation last Saturday. Young and old, our little Husker hearts were booming with pride as person after person posted the Daily Nebraskan article on their wall, proving once and again, we are the best fans in the world. The letters told of our class (duh) our sympathy (always) and our overall kindness (obv) shown in Happy Valley this past weekend. My only question is who still reads the DN and was the first to post it to their wall? Anyway, the letters didn't stop at the few posted in the article. I did a little digging last night and was able to uncover a few that were actually letters To Penn State. I'll share some of my favorites:
Dear Penn State,
I can't rave enough about the kind welcome I received this weekend in Happy Valley! As most Husker fans contemplated, I thought for only a second about perhaps not coming out. But I'm a Husker fan through and through and show my support in even the most difficult times. But talk about feeling right at home! Everywhere I went people welcomed me with open arms, literally! Even at the candle light vigil I was invited to a special party afterward. And boy, oh boys, was that a special party indeed.
In all honestly, I thought perhaps this was blown just a bit out of proportion? But I guess in today's society I shouldn't be saying that, right? Some people are so sensitive! Anyway, I've already booked my next trip!
God Bless,
Father John
At first I was kinda scared to go last weekend even though I love plane rides because lots of people were telling me bad things about the Beaver Stadium and it made me nervous. I like to be in front of a lot of people making them happy, but it makes me sad when I know that those people were yelling and screaming bad things a few days ago. I heard those Penn State kids even tipped over a car and were screaming at police men. But I don’t get it because I thought their coach was in trouble because he let kids get abused. Why would they be mad about that?
And even though I had to pinky swear I’d never tell anyone, once a coach made me feel scared doing things that only Herbie is allowed to do. I was lucky because the coach didn’t stay for long because I think he wanted to ride a Jet or coach Professional football, I don’t know. But anyway, the game wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. But the plane ride home was the smelliest ever because none of the players wanted to shower! They’re so silly.
Your friend,
Lil Red
Penn State,
I am praying for your redemption every single day. I cry alone in my bed at night thinking of the pain endured for all of those years. Children are a gift from God! One should praise and love their children with all of their heart and never take them for advantage. Never exploit them, or abuse them, or force them into anything they do not want to do. A child’s life is so precious and you have taken away their youth and impacted them with your own selfish decisions that will no doubt affect them for the remainder of their lives no matter what they do. They now have a permanent stigma attached to them the media will forever be after. How many kids have come forward now? Seventeen? Eighteen? Nineteen kids and Counting? Despicable.
Jim Bob Duggar
Hey bitches!
Who’s the bad guy now?!
Casey A.
Um hello, hi.
I’d just like to say that time can heal all wounds. I’m fine now. Completely healed. You just have to learn to cope, to adjust. To adjust to living in darkness, I mean I leave my house sometimes. At least once a year. I don’t like the outside anyway though. It’s too dangerous. Danger is lurking everywhere. The only safety I find is when I sleep. When I dream of the wide open sky and blue and nice and comforting. And this is okay. I’m fine. My child “abuse” didn’t affect me at all. I’m good. I have to go now, I think someone is listening to me. Oh, this is a letter? Well burn it. BURN IT! They’re all around us.
Jaycee Duggard
Scratch out my name after you read this.
Hey Jer!
What up, what up? When news first broke in here, I was all, oh no North Carolina is my favorite team! But then I found out you’re not Roy Williams. Haha! But you two do kind of look alike. Anyway, hang in there man, like my mom always said, this too shall pass… for a great kiddo ass! Ya buddy! No but seriously, don’t beat yourself up too much about all this. This is just so typical for people to overreact in the beginning. But just like me, I’m sure soon enough the great love story hidden in all of this will be exposed, Nicholas Sparks will probably write a novel on it. If you’re out and about tell Jaycee hello! And that I’m watching her. Jk! But really. Just tell her that just to see what she does. Gets me every time.
Phillip Garrido
To the Penn State Football Team,
First things first, a loss to Nebraska? Did you learn nothing from the Northwestern film we watched? Saturday was pitiful. You should have been mentally stronger and able to pull yourselves together. I always manage to. This “situation” will pass in no time, it’s ridiculous it’s lasted this long if you ask me. What’s the big deal? Has our society grown so serious that “horsing around” is no longer fun? A good towel snap or two is over the line? A naked bear hug is considered “abuse.” If it’s no longer “politically correct” to shower with children and do other harmless things well then color me guilty. Geesh. So sorry I was too busy BONDINGfondling with young men who needed guidance in their life to notice the whole world had gotten so damn serious. And when I say “I” I’m being hypothetical, of course. But let’s not forget about all of the good things I have done for children through my Second Mile program. I’ve touched the lives of so many young men you probably can’t even count them all. But let’s not lose focus of what’s really important, the football program. This isn’t the last you’ve heard from me.
Showered with disappointment,
Jeremy Sandooky