After I was home this last weekend it was very evident my mom's addiction is in full force. I think I counted seventy-nine pumpkins. And that was just in the kitchen. I said to her, "I like your Halloween decorations." And she responded, "I don't have my Halloween out, yet." No, what she has out is just her "fall." Halloween hasn't even graced the counter tops yet apparently.
Then I found this in her pantry.
When I asked her why on earth she had a Duggar sized tub of cheese balls just hanging out in her pantry she responded, "I thought they looked like little pumpkins."Guys, I'm really worried.
SDA is highly hereditary. My sister doesn't suffer as bad as my mom, but she is well on her way. Before I came over to her house to see Knox and Lola she said to me, "Just a warning, I don't have any of my fall decorations out yet." As if that would really matter to me. But that's another side effect, the belief that others judge you based on your decor. Sometimes I'll start to worry I'm starting to get the addiction myself, like when I buy a pumpkin scented candle and take a little too much joy in it then I should.
But then I looked in my closet from my bedroom when I was a kid and remember that my idea of "decorating" might still be a little off yet.
But I dare you to look at these photos and tell me this wasn't the coolest closet ever. I spent almost two weeks cutting clippings from Delia's, BOP, and Teen Beat, and then dry cementing them to my walls- pausing only for a moment or two to play with the rubber cement boogers I made along the way.
And that little message on the ceiling written in 1997? "Taylor Rules the World!" Classic. If I find some time this winter I might just redo my bedroom here in Chicago with a magazine collage. I mean why not? It ages so well!
Anyway, before I go I wanted to take some time to introduce you to a new link-up created by Jen that I am very excited about because its focus is writing fiction, which happens to be my all time love and passion. In college I actually studied creative writing, which as it turns out, might be even less useful than a theater degree. But that's neither here nor there at this point.
I don't usually do link-ups, mostly because they confuse me and I always forget about them, but this is one that I will definitely be joining this week!
Hey Daily Tay readers! Just wanted to drop in really quick to first say Happy Hump Day to ensure that you all have the vision of that Geico Camel in your brains for the rest of the day. You're welcome. AND also to tell you that it's time to get your creative thinking caps on for a little link up I am doing on my blog, That's What She Read this Friday. As you can probably tell from my painfully clever blog name (I love a great play on words) that I fancy myself a bit of a bookworm. Not only that, I like to dapple in a little creative writing as well. I've heard rumors (and maybe even read for myself) that your girl Taylor is quite the scribe as well. I have a feeling that this world of amazing bloggers is capable of some amazing fictional stories and I want to tap into it!
I want to talk about stories that haven't been talked about yet. They haven't been talked about yet because they are original. They are YOURS.
You can read more about the inspiration behind this link up here. In the meantime, get to writing! I can't wait to read your story!