The uncertainty in my life is at an all time high right now. Almost every single day I wake up and am not quite sure where my day/life is going. Albeit I wake up happy and mostly excited, just uncertain as hell is all. (Let's here it for "albeit" by the way.) I'm certain I know where I want to go, I just question every single move I'm taking on the way there.... That's the thing. That's the thing that always seems to get me.
Maybe this is just life and everybody feels this way and I'm simply kidding myself thinking that someday I'll actually have my shit together or have it all figured out. I have no idea because I'm only living my life. I just think that now, more so than ever, it's so easy to feel like a big old failure by allowing yourself to get lost in this terrible world of comparison we seem to live in these days. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Pinterest. You know the game. Jenny Instagram gets five points today because she just bought an incredible house. And she's younger than me? Screw her. Move back five spaces me. Johnny Facebook just landed an audition spot I didn't even know about... Move back ten spaces me. Patty Pinterest just made a DIY Range Rover out of oatmeal and old pine cones? What the hell? I can't even make a wine bottle covered in glitter. And it just goes on and on.
I guess what I'm getting at here is the confusion I feel about my own path is hard enough, let alone without the pressure of comparing it to everyone else's. But even as I type this I realize how silly that sounds because it's not like anyone is forcing me to be on social media. I choose to follow some of the people I do because I enjoy looking at the pretty little photos of their pretty little lives. So I enjoy it but it also makes me feel bad about my own life sometimes? That makes zero sense, and I actually didn't even think of it that way until I just wrote it out. And I think I just solved the problem of our generation. We're just a bunch of sadists who like inflecting pain onto ourselves... I just got into a bigger topic than I intended.
All in all, I think the winner of the game of comparison will always go to the person with the right perspective. Because that's really what it's all about. Jenny has a bigger house than me, but guess what? I live in an apartment where I don't have to move my vacuum cord from one outlet to the next when cleaning, I can cover the entire house from the same outlet. Looks like I won that round. And I won't even mention the fact I can reach my dryer from the shower. I think you know what that means. This Princess gets warm towels every morning to dry off with... #blessed.
I don't think I'm done with this topic yet, let's just call this part one for now.
Happy Wednesday, today is what you make it.