I took this photo back in the day when I used to get up at 6:00 a.m. every morning to work out at the Trump Tower... And by workout I mean I'd go there just to sit in the amazing locker room and use the nice showers and luxury bath soaps.
Anyway, I might not have picked the best week to start this new early morning stuff. Yesterday I had to work from about 9-3, then class at Second City from 4-7, followed by a concert at the Aragon at 8:00. So yeah, I'm a little tired typing this out at 6:45 a.m. just thinking about going back to bed...
Here's the thing, Chris really loves concerts. We would go to one every night if he had his way. Last night we saw Alt J and Lord Huron, and a few days before that we saw Robert Delong. And if you don't know who those bands are, you're not alone. Chris has to send me playlists before every concert so I can at least try to know a few songs of who we're about to see.
Don't get me wrong I love concerts too, but I gotta admit, sometimes there just a little much for me. Like for instance I hate being pushed. I just don't think I have a relaxed enough/don't-give-a-shit demeanor for concert crowds. It really grinds my gears when Chris and I get there a little early to get a good standing spot and suddenly right before the band comes on a slew of drunk girls elbow their way right in front of us. It doesn't phase Chris because he knows that's just normal concert audience behavior, yet it never fails to piss me off. And will I sound super bad if I also admit I hate standing for that long? Am I the only concert-attender who would prefer to have a nice comfortable chair to sit in while I watch? I'll stand when I want, but for the most part I prefer to sit.
I'm just not cool enough. I'm also not cool enough to enjoy the girl dancing next to me who appears to have eaten one too many Molly's in her ham sandy before the show. She may be slow dancing in a burning room, but I'm at a concert and she keeps swinging her sweaty hair in my beer. See what I mean? This kind of behavior shouldn't bother someone at a concert, I should be "chill" enough to not mind if my beer has sweaty-drug-hair in it.
And since I'm being a grandma here, I'll just go ahead and bring up the last thing that sometimes bugs me about concerts. What's with the whole fake-out at the end? Why does a band always act like their done without having played their most popular song? What's with that? You know everyone came to see that one song (except for the non-posers of course.) I feel like that's similar to going to a restaurant to order their best dish only to have your server tell you it's not offered anymore, then "surprise" you with it at the end. That may be a stretch, but you get the idea.
Anyway guys, it's gonna be a hot one today. Chicago is actually closing schools due to the extreme temps. But I won't complain. I'd rather have schools closed for heat rather than blizzards. Drink lots of water and keep your pets inside! And lay off the Molly, I saw on the news this morning there's a "bad batch" running through the U.S. that has already killed several college kids. To which I wanted to ask Matt Lauer what he considers a "good batch" of Molly? ....