Hola Americanos! Officially three days into the annual Wolfe Holiday Cabo Trip and thus far everything is going swimmingly! Jordan and I have only fought once regarding his snoring, Jade has only thrown two fits about Knox having to sit in the back of the taxi and my mom has only made one snide remark to me regarding the fact I'm still living in sin! So far so good... Just loving life here in the land of the brown.
As an American, being in Mexico during the Thanksgiving season always makes me very thankful. It just really makes me think. It makes me think we should have stolen land from the Mexicanos rather than the Native Americanos hundreds of years ago. What in the hell was us crazy white folk thinking stealing land where a majority of it is warm only three-four months out of the year? It's just plain stupidity. Obviously Chris Columbo didn't do his research when choosing where to settle because no one in their right mind would have purposely chosen those nasty colonies on the cold east coast as opposed to Cabo. Wouldn't you rather look out your window during Thanksgiving dinner and catch a glimpse of a whale rather than a deer? I know I would, and I will because every mid November it's whale season down here and they're everywhere. You can barely cross the street without one darting right in front you, and where there's one whale there's always two more so you have to be extra careful. Those things will really put a dent in your boat.
So anyway, I put in a full day of laying out today and am as red as an alibino Mexican. My skin is hot to the touch. But you gotta do what you gotta do when you live in Chicago and the sun only shines on the third and seventh day of the month. And everybody knows a sunburn turns into a tan turns into a cancer. I need to come home from this trip with dark skin, white hair and a flat stomach to prolong my Winter Ugly Disorder which was already in full force before I left. I think my diet of Coronas and nachos is already working! But truthfully, we've just been doing a lot of at home drinking on account of the fussy little guy on the trip who has to be fed and changed every other hour. I don't know what Jordan's deal is lately. But it's for the best since nine-month-old Knox is along, as well. So we have nice long happy hours starting at noon that turn into meat and cheese trays at three and dinner by six. Then we after-dinner drink until we all get too buzzed and start bringing up things we shouldn't. Or maybe that's just me... Love the holidays. And I'll say Sandusky has followed me all the way to Cabo because just the other day as Jade was changing Knox out of his swim trunks I went to give him a good belly blow but caught myself halfway through because suddenly I felt like a huge pervert. Thanks for ruining bear hugs and belly blows for the rest of us, Sandusky. Would love to be a fly on the wall at that Thanksgiving tomorrow. Yikes!
But anywho, Chris finally joins the fun tomorrow, and Bill and Larissa join the fun today. Larissa is Jordan's new friend from South Carolina. Very excited to meet my brother's new friend. Especially when I know that he preps all of his new friend's by telling them he has two sisters they have to get by, "one is the nice one and one is the mean one." I'll let you guess who is who. But just for the record that's bullshit because I am nice to everyone- at first, it's only once I've known you for awhile when I start to make fun. And even then it's all just elbow jabs and knee slaps.
Well now my mom, Jade, and I are just enjoying a glass of champagne (all dressed in the same coverup and leggings outfit I might add) as we wait for Jordan and my dad to arrive from picking up Larissa from the airport. That's not weird though. If I were a new girlfriend meeting my bf's family for the first time I wouldn't think anything of it if his mom and two sisters were all dressed the same. Nothing at all.... Welcome to the family!
I've included a few pics from the trip thus far but won't post all of them, because like my mom so bluntly stated last night, "no one will buy the cow if you give away the milk for free."