I think Fridays are just as brutal as Monday's but in their own completely different sadistic way. Fridays are sneaky, unreliable and just an overall tease. I feel like I spend the majority of my morning chasing a beer tied to a string that Friday keeps pulling away from me inch by inch, laughing at me the entire way. Almost there, yeah right it's not even noon. Getting closer... Jk, it's only 2:00. Keep coming... Just a little further... Screw you.
On another note, I guess I'm a little excited for my first ever in-office Halloween party. The party committee says it's not starting until 4:00, but I have a sneaking suspicion it might get underway a little sooner. Everyone is just too excited. We have a plethora of Halloween themed food and drinks that will be served. Pumpkin dip, Jack-o-Lantern pizza and Mummy cupcakes (at least that's what Tiffany says they are, bringing snacks to work is a little difficult via public transportation. Poor girl.) It's taking all of my might not to dig into my spider web taco dip for lunch right now. That wouldn't be weird, would it? If the dip I put out for the party is already half eaten. I mean it's my dip... If you'd like to see a picture of how darn cute it is, there may or may not be a photo of it on Facebook. I'm usually way against food photos on FB, but I'm not the one who posted it so that makes it completely okay. So don't count on me to start posting every cookie, crock pot meal, or enchilada dish I make on my page with the caption "tried a new recipe, looks pretty good!" Like, like, like!
Besides all of the Halloween fun, today also just happens to be my mom's birthday! And her second Facebook birthday, I'm happy to report all is going pretty good on her wall so far. Her generation is really good at Facebook birthdays I've noticed. One time my mom missed writing on one of friend's wall's for their birthday and she nearly had an anxiety shit attack she felt so bad about it. She fretted for days.
But birthdays are important. This is something my mom instilled in all of us from a very young age. Contrary to popular belief, they don't get any less important as you get older and must always ALWAYS be celebrated. If you don't make a big deal about your birthday why would anyone else? So make it a big deal. But be subtle (passive aggressive) about it at first,
"oh gee, my birthday's on Friday. Probably won't do much. It's not really that important anyway..."
As it gets closer, lay it on a little thicker,
"The big day is almost two days away. Wonder what I'll do. Or if anyone even cares."
By the end just throw a full out bitch fit to ensure the night is a big deal. And trust me, people will notice, and thus it will be a big deal. I'm kidding though, my mom doesn't do this... because my dad knows better by now to not let it get to this point. And because my mom is the best at making our birthdays important so it's our duty as responsible Wolfes to do the same for her. It's the least we can do for her after all of the years of bday breakfasts in bed, hanging out the birthday flag, planning surprise parties (but only for Jordan) bringing pizzas to our classrooms (caramel apple suckers during the down years, which was also probably the time of the Hawaiian theme party with hoolah skirts made from trash bags. God bless my mom and her creativity.) The birthday list goes on and on. The day my kid asks me to have a sleep over with ten other seven year olds I fear I won't be as gracious as my mom always was. Just the thought makes me want to throw up. I'll pry have to pull the dad card on this one and "work late." Pretty sure my dad worked late on every birthday party I had growing up until my 21st. He made it on time for that one.
Well anyway, happy birthday mom. I hope it's a great one, I'll be celebrating for you all night! And all afternoon as soon as I break into the wine stash in my bottom drawer. So basically I'm going to start now. Thank God it's Friday again, secretly drinking at my desk feels so awkward every other day of the week.
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